Amazon alert to women this morning – yeah, came to me, but that’s a conversation for another day.
Dear Customer,
Customers who have shown an interest in literature and fiction books might like to know about these new and upcoming titles in FEATURED WOMEN’S FICTION
Author just finished first (and only, as he thought) draft.
This from 18,471 unique visitors a month, which apparently isn’t bad. All new to me. No objections.
First pages of BEAUTY
An email from Amazon to a pal. I couldn’t copy the whole. Skills. So I copied what I could and faked the rest. Hey, no, it was real. Good list, BEAUTY at the top. Your … Continue reading
Also, of course, when you read good novels, you travel in good spirits with good people. Yes, these two are married now, but that’s beside the point.
See how smart you can look if you read the right novel? Okay, Abbie was smart before. Daughters. Even so.
Break from the long form, and its cost? Here’s a fine uncomfortable short story, $.99. Nope, I don’t have the Amazon allergy – they pay and publish, and everybody I meet there I like (which I cannot tell Dorothy who … Continue reading
Lucy’s message being: If you read it and liked it, review it on Amazon. No, actually, Lucy has not, but if she could, she would. It’s a screen-and-claw issue, why she orders over the phone and reads paper — about … Continue reading